Musings of a Human at a Loss!

What the pandemic makes clear is that the “strong one” is non-existent even if one proclaims ‘am strong’; that “limit-less-ness” is only an absurd illusion; that money is power…


The Enlarged Heart of Humanity
The deadly pandemic disease has given rise to a living universal pattern of solidal home-coming. From the local to the ‘glocal’ one observes a feeling of commonality. That our origins are from a single Source and, that vulnerability and fragility pertain to the very flesh of our flesh have been revealed and profoundly realized during this precarious phenomenon, is an un-dubitable truth.
Moving out of one’s comfort zone to succour the victims, quickening the process of discovering a cure, of pouring out economic and social assistance without counting the cost, of feeding the thousands of hungry stomachs, of offering time and energy at the service of patients by health-care workers even at the risk of their own life, have been some of the extraordinary examples of authentic humanity and the manifestation of magnanimity in people everywhere.

Restricted physical movement, though it impeded physical freedom, might have generated greater soul energy and true freedom that enhanced compassionate neighbourliness. Social distancing, during this period of limited physical movement, would have created an intense interior affinity with others and a wonder-filled existence at the being of another.

Am not my Brother’s Keeper!
Indeed, positive to very positive wonders the pandemic has provided for humanity! Those having affirmed, the rulers of nations, however, have barely indicated an iota of conversion towards the well-being of their marginalized citizens. The aggressive economic, social and political policies within a nation and between nations have left many wounded on the road-side of their fragile and precarious existence. The high-minded have been immersed in political wrangling for prominent power positions rather than being absorbed by the pain and loss of human beings. Distress of millions has had no positive impact on decision-makers and war-mongers, even though daily death in thousands has been a reality one cannot close their eyes to. Suicides for fear of being infected were for a while a common sight. And what is more, pandemic season has been an occasion for assaults on women and children, religious and communal hate and conflict. India has witnessed the cruel ‘Hathras’ horror incident and USA has witnessed George Floyd’s “Let me breathe” cry as glaring examples besides innumerable other criminal atrocities committed by heartless humans. Police brutalities, both within prisons as well as on the streets, have shown a grim face of humanity. Interrogation by the Investigation Authorities of many social activists who sacrifice themselves for people living in oppressed contexts, and pushing them into prisons has been an ugly scene.

While the human distress has been spreading across the globe like a wild fire in a forest, silent infiltration into another country by terror groups has been easy, supported by nations in conflict with each other. Similarly re-writing the map of a country by usurping another’s land or China trying to hold control over Hong Cong resulting in an open wide street demonstration of people - the pandemic made no difference in the life of national leaders. What this reveals is that the pain and loss of one has not moved the heart of another in our world! “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Exposure of Falsehood
Covid is a stark reminder to humanity that it has done but little in terms of kindness, goodness and generosity towards others, including the creatures. One wonders if the immense scientific and technological developments are only a facade to maintain egoistic projects such as the expansion of Business Empire at the cost of the little ones, a self-ridden comfortable enclosure of wealth, creation of amenities that benefit only a clan of self-indulgent beings and a carefree existence!
The pandemic exposes the blatant lies and hypocrisy of a portion of the human world, which includes governments and its political clout with their economically affluent giants. Perhaps the virus has opened the hearts of the gods of mammon to the page of human anxiety, insecurity and unpredictability. If it has, then there is hope for humanity and the earth. If not, the pandemic itself might be the outcome of human pride! Every individual on this planet need to seek for an appropriate answer within her or his heart, however difficult that be, by remaining naked before the Absolute One.

Questions to the Human Soul
What the pandemic makes clear is that the “strong one” is non-existent even if one proclaims ‘am strong’; that “limit-less-ness” is only an absurd illusion; that money is power; that learning is certificate to gain human recognition; that knowledge is possession for prestige; that a position before the public is a status in society – all this is only a “noisy gong or a clanging symbol (Rom 13:1).
Covid-19 is intended to teach that no human being is beyond the range of his charity. It is a damning indictment of social, racial, religious, linguistic and economic superiority. It is a challenge to decide between the life of involvement or non-involvement, so that a person understands and does what is actually required of him or her in each situation as the Samaritan of the Gospel did. Covid simply shocks humanity out of its complacency and deranges its priorities. ∎

Gerry Lobo OFM is a professor, writer and scholar in Franciscanism and Spirituality.

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