In an interesting coincidence Ash Wednesday 2024, falls on 14 th February; also often
celebrated in many parts of the world as Valentine’s Day. Perhaps, many who would
celebrate Valentine’ Day might be disappointed, since they perhaps planned a celebration
with wining and dining, and as a chance to express their love for someone; maybe a
beloved or a spouse. They may consider it unfair that Lenten restriction especially on Ash
Wednesday, are a damper to their celebrations.
But in reality, Ash Wednesday and Lent mark the greatest love ever in all human history.
Many men may have told their beloved, ‘I could die for you’. Many men perhaps have said
they would climb to the heavens, and bring the moon and stars for their beloved. Many
men claimed they would climb the highest mountains and cross raging seas for them. But
most people know that these are but things spoken, when wine starts flowing. As one man
who claimed to do all this in his valentine card, also added, “P.s. I will be coming over this
Saturday, if it does not rain”. Even a little rain would be a damper, deterring them from
meeting their ‘beloved’.
Many women (and men) might say, “If you love me, prove it”. There are of course, some
who will do foolish and irrational things, but that is not real life. In most cases, that is not
love, but another four letter word also starting with ‘l’; it is lust and only an outward
expression of the desires of the loins.
It is a love, where Jesus who was God set aside His divinity and became man. He came down
from heaven to earth. Jesus humbled Himself was obedient even unto death on the cross. It
is a love we did not deserve. Most humans say, ‘if you love me, I will love you’. God’s love is
not like that. In Romans 5:8, Paul reminds us that Jesus even died for us, while we were yet
sinners. Jesus knows that we might be ungrateful. Rather, many visionaries say that this
was what Satan tried to point out most and tried to dissuade Jesus, when Jesus experienced
severe agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Despite human insult and ungratefulness, Jesus
still showed His love, and by His blood cleanses us from sin.
Let us make this Lenten season different. Let us base it on love, not just for a day
(Valentine’s Day) but make it a season of love. Maybe we have become for various reasons
as people filled with hate and distress. We pray the Lord to make us more loving people,
beginning with our spouses, our children, parents and those around. Let us not wait till it is
too late. Sometimes, it is difficult. We might want the other to take the first step and
apologize or whatever. But let us as sacrifice this Lent, swallow our pride and ego, and take
the first step.